2021年9月21日 中秋愛心暖萬家

The Power of Love Mid-Autumn 2021

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

HKCC led the children to volunteer at Yat Tung Estate in Tung Chung, distributing mooncakes and anti-epidemic supplies to the neighbors. Learning to volunteer during the festival can also share the joy with the neighbors!

When a child sees a group of elderly people who have difficulty moving, they think they are unwell. In fact, the elderly will have difficulty moving when they are much older. I hope the children can learn more about different things in society by volunteering. The neighbors were very happy to see the children handing out supplies, and kept praising the children for their awesomeness.

Mid-Autumn Festival love warms thousands of families successfully completed
Adults and children worked together to distribute 100 lucky bags and 400 moon cakes, and the neighbors were very happy!


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! Today the HKCC, with the volunteer kids at Tung Chung, distributed moon cakes and anti-epidemic supplies to the Yat Tung residents. In addition to learning to be a volunteer, the children also got to share the joy of the Mid-Autumn Festival with the Yat Tung residents.
When children see some of the elders with mobility problems, they think they are unwell. In fact, when people get older they can have mobility problems. We hope that the children learn more about different things in society by doing volunteer work. The Yat Tung residents were so happy to see the children hand out the supplies, and they kept admiring the children for being very well-behaved and amazing.
The event was successfully completed. We distributed 100 gift packs and 400 mooncakes. The Yat Tung residents were very happy.
We will have other activities in the future! Children who are interested in volunteering please remember to follow our facebook page!

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